Seniors club remembers Peggy Osborne

MONTCLAIR Senior Citizens Club regrets the death of Peggy Osborne, who has died at the age of 96.

On 11 May the club is having its members’ lunch outing to Lords and Legends on the Bluff at a cost of R60.

Members must have paid their annual fees to qualify and lunch is payable in advance.

Last month devotions were taken by Pastor Roy of the New Covenant Church who highlighted the importance to take time out and communicate with people around us.

Members then had the talented pupils from Ningizimu Special School’s marimba band entertain with music they had composed and a few popular tunes. It was absolutely amazing to see the energy and fun they were having while playing for the members and what they have achieved under the leadership of their music teacher, Sizwe Ngcobo. The club wishes them well in any future competitions they enter.

The club is all about meeting new friends and having fun communicating with one another. If transport is a problem, there are members who will willingly assist.

The club looks forward to members joining in on 9 March.

ANY retired person in the Montclair and Woodlands area is welcome to join Montclair Seniors Club, which holds its meetings in the Montclair Methodist Church hall every second Thursday of each month at 9am. Annual fees are R30 per annum and R5 per meeting for a cup of tea or coffee and cake. Devotions are taken by one of the local pastors, followed by a speaker or entertainer after tea.

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