Deputy principal retires after 40 years

The retirement of a long-time staff member.

AFTER four decades, Durban Academy bides a fond farewell to deputy principal Ms Hettie Borman.

“Me Hettie Borman het op 1 April 1977 by die hekke van Hoërskool Dirkie Uys ingestap as jong onervare onderwyseres en die tyd het gekom om te groet op 28 Februarie,” read a statement from the school.

“Ek wil graag die ouergemeenskap bedank vir hul ondersteuning gedurende die afgelope 40 jaar. Ek groet alle Oud-Dirkies met ‘n tikkie heimwee maar ook blydskap. Julle het my lewe verryk en ek koester net mooi herinneringe van daardie wonderlike jare.

The former Hoërskool Dirkie Uys was renamed Durban Academy High School on 1 April 1997.

I feel immensely privileged and blessed that I could experience the transformation of our school to a multi-cultural institution in 1997. Durban Academy and her pupils are and will always be very close to my heart. I have enjoyed teaching until the last lesson of the last day. My sincerest wish for our school is that it will grow from strength to strength and that the youth of Durban Academy will each end their school careers with hope in their hearts and enthusiasm to make their dreams come true and to contribute to building a just, united and peaceful society in our beautiful country,” said Ms Borman.

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