YWP WI advised to be aware, be vigilant

Shaun Smith from Kombat Security was the speaker for the evening and he repeated that residents should always be aware of their surroundings.

YELLOWWOOD Park Women’s Institute (YWP WI) president Sharon Quail opened the first meeting of the year with the WI prayer and a big welcome to all members.

YWP WI is fortunate to have three new members Michelle Unger, Deleen Rocker and Jan Leefling.

A big welcome to them. It was also good to see some long-lost members again. The secretary read the report and the treasurer was happy to say the WI is solvent, so much so that it can subsidise some members’ fees for the year. This is mostly thanks to Alida Pegram and Sharon, the greatest saleswomen ever. A thank you note was received from Sunfield House and it was confirmed that YWP WI will continue helping animal charities in the area until the AGM.

Shaun Smith from Kombat Security was the speaker for the evening and he repeated that residents should always be aware of their surroundings. He showed some quick, easy tricks to learn if someone comes too close and had some members up as volunteers. His advice will surely be a big help to many members.

Many thanks to the members who did Botanic Gardens and Meals on Wheels duty. Thanks to Derek Wilesmith for assisting. The next Botanic Gardens duty is on 25 February.

Next month’s competitions were announced, one of which is an underarm cushion to assist cancer patients. Members are urged to assist as YWP WI would love to have dozens to hand over to next month’s speaker. Call Deleen for assistance.

One of the members made bookmarks for each member, giving the dates of all meetings. Thank you. The president mentioned that members should consider entering the Royal Show this year. Members are you up to it?

Competition results: Best bloom: First Gerda Viljoen, Marsha Hart, Sharon Quail; second Wendy Henderson. Floral: First Marsha Hart; second Wendy Henderson. Agri and horti: First Sharon Quail, second Jan Kirk.

Adult ed: First Sharon Quail, second Gerda Viljoen. Craft: First Jen Leefling (new member), Alida Pegram, second Gerda Vijoen, third Jean Ball. Handicraft: First Jean Ball, second Gerda Viljoen, third Sharon Quail. Merit: First Sharon Quail, second Gerda Viljoen. Homemaking: First Sharon Quail, second Marsha Hart and Gerda Vijoen.

Congratulations to all the winners.

How about some different names this year? Many thanks as always to judge Linda Melson.

The meeting closed with the WI prayer and Sharon reminded everyone to ‘be aware’.

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