October’s Hospice club winners in the money

Winners of the October club three draw: First prize of R20,000 went to 1668 Neville Letard

HIGHWAY Hospice 2000 Club draw results from 24 November.

Winners of the October club one draw: First prize of R20,000 went to 1413 MCC Chamberlan, second prize of R2,000 was won by 2089 F Harper, three prizes of R1,000 each went the way of 2022 Candice Deeb, 2569 J De La Querra and 2069 M Da Silva.

Winners of the October club two draw: First prize of R20,000 went to 2379 CM Robins, second prize of R2,000 was won by 2977 John Slack, three prizes of R1,000 each went the way of 1500 L Grobbelaar and N Ross, 1473 JH Van Heerden and 2191 Joy Clockie.

Winners of the October club three draw: First prize of R20,000 went to 1668 Neville Letard, second prize of R2,000 was won by 1493 K Van Staden, while three prizes of R1,000 each went the way of 1361 David De Villiers, 1867 David Carr and 1615 Androulla Kotras.

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