New by-laws for public nuisance issues

Public will be expected to pay between R200 to R40,000 in fines

Ethekwini Municipality’s Public Nuisance bylaw took effect on Friday, 11 March.

Under the new by laws, the public can be fined between R200 to R40,000 in fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, or both if they are caught breaking the bylaws.

In the case of continued offences, an additional fine of an amount not exceeding R200 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 days, for each day on which the offence continues, may be imposed.

Ethekwini head of communications, Tozi Mthethwa said training of officials to enforce the bylaw has been underway for some months. “The nuisance bylaw will be operational from 11 March. However we have a number of other bylaws coming into force as well on different dates in March and April. We have a staggered implementation and new bylaw books will be published for Metro Police officers. During their training, all members will be given copies of the bylaw,” said Mthethwa.

Ethekwini Municipality’s legal unit is actively involved in ensuring that there is co-ordination within the municipality and various stakeholders outside the municipality regarding the bylaw’s implementation.

Bylaw violations include


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For information on the bylaw details visit,

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