Spring into action for Casual Day

Remember, remember, Friday, 4 September.

EVERYONE loves Casual Day – the campaign that invites all caring and fun-loving South Africans to dress differently for a day to raise funds for, and awareness of disability.

It is the leading fundraising project in the disability sector, has a credible history and truly represents organisations of, and for persons with disabilities.

Casual Day is a highlight on the calendar of participating beneficiaries, businesses, schools, youth groups, churches and South African citizens at large.

For 20, going on 21 years, the first Friday in September is reserved for dressing in outfits from the fun to the fantastical, all in support of persons with disabilities. To earn the right to

dress in this way, a donation of R10 is made for the official Casual Day sticker.

Not only does Casual Day raise funds, it also raises awareness of opportunities for full inclusion of persons with disabilities into society.

Why should the public participate?

South Africans can be part of a group of thousands who demonstrate that small actions can make a huge difference. We call it community spirit in action.

Why should you participate?

There is only one Casual Day. It is the longest running project of its kind in the country, truly representing the issues affecting persons with disabilities in South Africa. With the collaboration between the major national beneficiaries and anchor sponsor, the Edcon Group of companies, Casual Day has strength, stability and credibility, and a huge following.

For local beneficiaries it offers an opportunity to raise funds for your organisation at no risk as all marketing material is provided free-of-charge. The administration is simple and it’s easy to participate. The brand is well established, and while there are many copycats that come and go, Casual Day has stood the test of time. It’s a great platform for participation in a national event that the people trust and enjoy.

Who’s who of the project:

The National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in SA (NCPPDSA) is the owner of the Casual Day project and all rights regarding the project remains the property of the NCPPDSA.

The NCPPDSA has an excellent record of accomplishment and sustainability in service to persons with disabilities.

While serving their national affiliates, the Provincial Associations for Persons with Disabilities (APDs), they are unwavering in their commitment to protect and promote the unalienable rights of persons with disabilities in the full inclusion of all spheres of society.

NCPPDSA will be responsible for:

Negotiations with big national sponsors and participants: Edcon, Absa, Game, DionWired, Shoprite & Checkers,SA Police Services, Department of Defence, Department of Correctional Services and SA Revenue Service.

The relationship with national beneficiary organisations and local participating NGOs.

The annual audit on conclusion of the project.

Allocation of disbursements to national beneficiaries after the audit.

Corporate governance of the project.

Any queries regarding Casual Day, contact NCPPDSA national director, Therina Wentzel on 011-452-2774, fax 011-452-6583 or email therina.wentzel@vodamail.co.za.

Contact the QuadPara Association KZN on 031-701-7444 to place your orders for stickers for Casual Day.

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