Motorist turns midwife

We saved two lives that day.

A BLUFF motorist turned midwife when a teenage girl gave birth on the front seat of her car on Monday, 22 June.

Cindy Botha was travelling through Wentworth with her nine-year-old daughter when she noticed a young woman limping along the side of the road.

“I don’t normally stop to offer people lifts, but something in me said I should. She was with an elderly woman and when I asked what was wrong, she said she was in labour,” said Botha.

She quickly got her daughter into the back seat of the car and helped the woman, who was about 18-years-old, into the front passenger seat.

“I could see the situation was dire. The baby’s head was already visible, so I rushed to Wentworth Hospital.”

After frantically searching for assistance, Botha tracked down some delivery nurses, who came to their aid.

“By the time we got there and the nurses arrived, we had run out of time. The baby boy was born on the front seat of my car less than a minute later.

I could not have lived with myself if I had done nothing. We saved two lives that day. It was an amazing experience for me and my daughter, who witnessed everything.”

Botha, who has been keeping in contact with the hospital, said both the mother and baby are doing well.

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