PHC clinic committee’s role carified

Improving and sustaining service delivery is an obvious objective in all areas of public service

THE responsibility of dealing with enquiries has been added to the portfolio of the Bluff Clinic committee, as its role within the community gets defined.

“Improving and sustaining service delivery is an obvious objective in all areas of public service. As such, the essential role of the Bluff Clinic committee is to provide support for the staff of the clinic. The most practical way to implement that support is for the committee to act as a filter for public queries and complaints,” said clinic committee chairman and ward 66 councillor, Duncan Du Bois.

“Instead of clinic manager, Sr Ngobese, having to spend time in her already highly pressured role trying to deal with complaints and the like, the committee, where possible, will relieve her of such issues and act as a troubleshooter,” he said.

He added that staff shortages plague service and that currently the clinic is short of two professional nurses and one enrolled nurse.

“As a service unit, therefore, it faces a huge human resources problem. Public awareness of that and the need for understanding and patience is required.

To help provide support for the clinic committee’s role, it is with pleasure that I welcome former councillor, Richard Moulton, as a member of the committee.”

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