God’s Little Creatures – Ghost Mantis

Today I would like to share this strange looking creature with you.

Just when I think that I have discovered the strangest looking prey mantises I stumble across something that blows my mind, it may not be as pretty as the Flower-mantises but its camouflage is awesome.
​On Saturday 14th March I joined Dave Joseph and the team at Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve for their bi-monthly guided walk. After the walk I went off into the veld to photograph some Eyed-flower Mantises, while bending down in the grass I saw or at least thought I saw a dead leaf move. Well trying to prove that I am not going crazy I went to poke this “dead leaf” with my finger and it ran, and boy can they run through the grass. Eventually I caught the tiny thing and got to have a good look at it and was very pleased to see that it was indeed a preying mantis that I have never seen before.

When I got home I went and looked on Google to see what species it is, it turns out to be a Ghost Mantis, also known as a Dead Leaf Mantis. They are found throughout most of Africa and also Madagascar. When compared with other prey mantis species they are quite small, with a maximum size when adult of only around 5cm. But they are one of the longest-lived mantises as adults with the females living up to 8 months. Like all other prey mantis species, they will eat almost any insect that they can subdue.

Another truly amazing creature which I am so privileged to have seen.


Please feel free to visit my Photography page for more pictures of God’s amazing little creatures found in and around the Bluff: www.facebook.com/WkDickPhotography


God Bless


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