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Victory for YWP residents as development proposal rejected

One hundred and seventy-seven objections were received by the town planner.

THE proposed development of 130 residential units at Yellowwood Park Christian Fellowship (YWPCF) was not approved by the town planning sub committee on Friday, 20 March.

The town planning sub committee voted against the density of the development, according to ward 66 councillor Billie Prinsloo.

The land is zoned for education purposes and an application was made to rezone a portion of land for residential use. One hundred and seventy-seven objections were received by the town planner. Some of the concerns raised in the objection process were: Authority of the land owner, change in neighbourhood/density character, increase in noise pollution, capacity of infrastructure services, environmental risks to Stainbank Nature Reserve, capacity of roads and transport infrastructure, capacity of social amenities and the potential decrease in property values. Comments raised by objectors included whether YWCF had the authority to trade with the property or develop it for anything else but education. Objectors were also concerned that the development might only be phase one of a plan to redevelop the entire site. Some had proposed the enforcement of a title restriction to prevent any further development of the remaining land.

Town planning consultants acting on behalf of YWPCF said in a letter to the town planning subcommittee that although the development could house 300 units, the proposed development would be comprise 130 units.
YWPCF’s proposal was rejected in a vote by the town planning sub committee by four votes to three. Ward 64 councillor, Billie Prinsloo who attended the meeting, said the ANC threatened to take the matter to a higher authority. “The most important thing at the moment is the victory of the residents of Yellowwood Park,” said Prinsloo.

Yellowwood Park resident, Andrew Vogelsang who opposed the development said: “This is good news for the Yellowwood Park community, I’m quite pleased,” he said.
Another YWP resident, Martin Birtwhistle said the outcome was good news for the community. “We didn’t oppose the development, but were against putting up high rise sectional title buildings, which is not in the interest of the community,” said Birtwhistle.

Reacting to the ruling by the town planning sub committe, Riaan Thomson town planning consultant acting as YPCF’s agent dealing with the application for subdivision and rezoning said: “I haven’t received anything official from the municipality. As a result, I can’t comment on this,” he said.

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