Community police helps drop crime in Montlands

If one is going away for the holidays, first thoroughly test your security equipment with your security providers.

MONTCLAIR Sector Policing Forum held a meeting on Tuesday, 18 November at Montclair recreational hall.

Chairman Mark Francis stated that community policing initiatives were having a positive impact on the crime situation but that with the festive season ahead, vigilance is key. Businesses would be closing and therefore areas would be more isolated and conducive to crime. He also warned parents to be more aware of their children’s activities in the coming school holidays. Matric students particularly need to be supervised as this was such a high energy period with parties and drinking and driving.
He advised that the public needed to rely on their gut instincts when it came to groups of people hanging around and that if it felt suspicious contact community groups, street captains and if need be their security companies.
Be specific about reporting noticeable features of suspicious people, for example height and size, race and skin tone, gender, hairstyles and characteristics such as scars and hairstyles. Describe and specify type and colours of clothing. Car Registration numbers are vitally important.

Warnings were given with regards to withdrawing large amounts of cash from banks and ATM’s . Bank “knockers” (people watching inside and outside bank transactions) were commonplace. Be suspicious of everybody including security guards trying to help you use the ATM’s. Avoid drawing large amounts and using ATMs in isolated areas.
Hijackings in the area were still a concern and the public were warned to be alert when parking and reverse into parking spots where possible. Be on the lookout for jamming of remotes, check that doors have actually locked before walking away from your vehicle. Be wary of parking your car outside your gates and be aware when loiterers are in the area, such as on garbage collection day. Stay off cell phones when leaving and entering your property.

If one is going away for the holidays, first thoroughly test your security equipment with your security providers. If possible, hire house sitters and most importantly on your return report all crime no matter how insignificant. This will ensure that provincial police adequately equip all police stations accordingly.

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