Resident concerned about home being ‘cased’

I came out to greet him and he said he was looking for a Jakes, who I didn't know

EDITOR – I’m writing you with regards to suspicious activity that has occurred at my home over the past two weeks.

It maybe that we’re being overcautious, but it could be something worth mentioning.

A coloured man of average height, in his mid-30’s, with a backpack, let himself into our yard last week at about 3pm in the afternoon. My mom happened to be home on the day and she spotted the guy at the front door. On confrontation, the guy said he was looking for a Lizzy, who lives on our road, being Geelhout Street). My mom didn’t know the person, so the guy left.

Yesterday a guy who fitted the same description let himself into our yard at about 2.30pm on another day. I happened to be home and went out to greet him. He said he was looking for a Jakes, who I didn’t know.

Maybe it’s nothing to worry about but maybe it’s somebody casing the neighbourhood or specifically my home. I thought I should maybe relay it to the paper, you could easily reach all Bluff residents before a Bluff home becomes a victim to it.



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