Enter fun-filled eco-challenge

The purpose of the competition is to give members of the public an opportunity to learn more about local wildlife and the environment with the aim to protect and conserve the local environment and natural heritage.

The Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Yellowwood Conservancy, Wilderness Leadership School and Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve (Ezemvelo Wildlife) will host a family eco-challenge at Red Bishop’s Pond, Yellowwood Park on Saturday, 13 September.
The purpose of the competition is to give members of the public an opportunity to learn more about local wildlife and the environment with the aim to protect and conserve the local environment and natural heritage.
The event starts with registration at 10.30am. Family teams of up to four members of all ages can enter the eco-challenge. At registration, all teams will be given instructions for a set of eco-challenge activities they need to complete within the local area. All completed answer forms are to be handed back at the registration table by 12.30pm. The top 10 teams with the most correct answers will go into a lucky draw which takes place at 1pm.
Teams must be present at the draw in order to claim their prizes. There will be education stands on display, live music entertainment and prizes to be won. There is an entry fee of R10 per team.


For more information, contact Colin on 083-443-3694.


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