Crow to ‘recruit’ wildlife warriors

All children between the ages of six and 12 welcome.

THE Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (Crow) hosts a new Wildlife Warrior holiday club, which will run from Monday, 30 June to Friday, 18 July.

The holiday club is open to all children aged between six and 12. Each day will be jam-packed with interactive activities which will include age-appropriate environmental education sessions, a guided tour of Crow, recycled craft projects, wildlife quizzes and puzzles and participants will also be able to help the Crow team prepare meals for its patients.

The cost is R400 a week or R90 per day. The cost includes lunch and snacks. Each child will also receive a certificate of completion and a free copy of Crow’s Wildlife Warrior activity booklet.

For more information, call Crow on 031-462-1127 or email

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