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Rowan set to help twist classic love tale

SHAKESPEARE’S Romeo and Juliet is given a decidedly naughty twist this year in an adult pantomime with Bluffite Rowan Bartlett as ‘Chubby’ the security guard.

The 34-year-old began his pantomime career in 2002 and took part annually until health reasons kept him back in 2011 and 12. “It means a lot to me to be back, there is something about audience interaction and camaraderie in this type of theatre that you can’t get anywhere else,” said Rowan.

“As far as the Shakespearian love story goes, the characters share the same names and that is about all they have in common. It is set in the 50s and features a lot of fantastic dancing and singing and it’s a chance to be silly and over-the-top.”

Rowan takes to the stage as 'Chubby', the security guard.
Rowan takes to the stage as ‘Chubby’, the security guard.

His acting career, which has since become his passion, came about by chance. “In the early 2000s I was studying for a Bachelor of Science degree and waiting tables to earn a living. I used to sing to my customers for extra tips and one day one of them suggested I try out for a role in Amadeus. I did and won the lead and as they say, the rest is history.” The highlight of his career was winning a best supporting actor award in musical theatre at the Durban Theatre Awards in 2008.

Of his life on the Bluff, he said he is a proud resident. “Even if I were a multi-millionaire I would still live on the Bluff. We have the beach, wildlife and a wonderful small town feeling.”

Rowan will perform in Romeo and Juliet – An East Coast Story at the Zone at Suncoast Casino from Tuesday, 12 November to Tuesday, 31 December. Booking is through Computicket. For block bookings, party groups or queries call Ailsa on 083-250-2690 or email ailswn@mweb.co.za.

– erinh@dbn.caxton.co.za

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