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Stainbank WI gears up for fun group evening

Marsha Hart read the previous Minutes and Wendy Henderson the financial report.

YELLOWWOOD Park Women’s Institute club president Vanessa Wilesmith opened the meeting with the Mary Stewart Collect, and welcomed all members.

There were no apologies.

Many thanks to Wendy Henderson for taking on the job as treasurer as the previous, able treasurer has now relocated.

Speaker for the evening was Jenny Russell on the important subject of diabetes, a problem which is getting more out of control because of people’s lack of exercise and incorrect eating habits. It is very important for everyone to know their sugar level and be tested regularly.

Marsha Hart read the previous meeting’s minutes and Wendy Henderson the financial report. There was a report back on the Outspan meeting and a reminder to donate to its shop that has just opened. The report from the delegate to Congress was read out to members. Maureen Lavis is welcomes as the WI’s new executive member.

The November meeting will be a fun group evening and all institutes in the area are invited to attend. Birthdays for September and October were read out.

YWP WI intends to start charity bags for the residents at Thornhill, which will cost about R15 each. Names were read out for tea duty and sales table next month, and the volunteers for Botanic Gardens which Yellowwood Park WI continues to do every month, as well as Meals on Wheels volunteers.

Competition results: Floral: First Wendy Henderson, second Carole Michell, Sharon Quail, Marsha Hart. Craft: First Marsha Hart and Vanessa Wilesmith, second Sharon Quail, Jean Ball and Jan Kirk. Adult ed: First Sharon Quail, Joan Prenger, second Marsha Hart,Wendy Henderson, third Vanessa Wilesmith and Carol Michell. Best bloom: First Marsha Hart, second Sharon Quail, third Wendy Henderson. Agri horti: First Jean Ball, second Carol Michell, third Marsha Hart and Sharon Quail. Handicraft: First Jean Ball, second Marsha Hart, third Sharon Quail. Homemaking: First Marsha Hart, second Sharon Quail. Merit: First Linda Hewer and Sharon Quail, second Jan Kirk, third Marsha Hart and Carol Michell.

So many entries and yet the WI only has about 28 members. Well done to everyone.

Yellowwood Park Women’s Insititute meets on the last Monday of each month at the YWP Bowling Club at 7pm for 7.30pm.

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