
Call to form neighbour watch follows Yellowwood Park nature reserve fence hoppers

The residents fear these criminals might become dangerous as they have confronted them before and they know what they look like

A YELLOWWOOD Park family wants to encourage their neighbours to join together to start their own crime watch in order to stop criminals from stealing from their homes in Plover Place.

Living in the cul-de-suc for seven years, the family who chose not to be named, have over the past two years, witnessed the same two men jump over the fence separating them from the Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve to steal items from their home and their neighbours.

“It is shocking that these men are just left to do what they please. We have tried to stop them and contacted our security company who came on-site but do not have jurisdiction. I have tried contacting the reserve, the police and the ward councillor without success,” said the disgruntled wife.

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According to the home owner, they are still stealing with the latest incident taking place on Tuesday, 10 October when they saw the thieving duo jump the fence with a white fold-up table. “We have seen them carry away a ladder, clothes and other items and it’s always the same men,” said a family member.

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The residents fear these criminals might become dangerous as they have confronted them before and they know what they look like. “We are worried one day they will attack somebody and what needs to be done is for the community of Plover Place to come together and discuss a way forward regarding a crime watch group. It’s time we take back our right to safety in our own homes,” she added.

Resident who live in Plover Place and who are interested in forming a neighbourhood watch group can call 083-555-0816.

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