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Mobeni hijack method raises alarm

If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not stop your car.

MOTORISTS are warned not to stop on isolated roads if they see any suspicious-looking people around.

This warning from Montclair SAPS comes after a motorist was threatened with a firearm and hijacked in Barrier Lane in Mobeni, when a stranger standing in the middle of the road forced him to stop his car at about 10am on Saturday, 16 September.

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When he stopped his car, he noticed there were two other men standing at the side of the road. They approached him and one produced a gun which he pointed at the driver. He was ordered to get out of his vehicle.

The trio fled in his car, in the direction of Wentworth. “If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not stop your car. Rather call the nearest police station for assistance. Be cautious when confronted in this situation,” said Montclair SAPS communication officer, Capt Dereck Vijiam.

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