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Petition urges Montclair motorists to reduce speed

These are lives that people are playing with. All we want is a safer road

FED-UP residents and shop owners on Montclair’s Kenyon Howden Road have reached their last nerve with motorists on the infamous road which is a hotspot for speeding and accidents.

Heightened concerns about the potential for a fatal accident have seen local resident, Mo Hassan launch a petition to raise awareness about motorists’ reckless driving.
It’s a daily sight to see cars flying down Kenyon Howden Road, which is a steep hill. A great temptation for any driver who feels the need for speed – but at what cost?
It’s not a safe area especially on such a busy road that is home to food outlets, doctors’ rooms and more worryingly, schools and creches. “It’s the children I worry about the most. I see everything from where I work, and with bated breath I watch the children run across the busy stretch,” said Hassan.


The latest accident on 22 July.

His concern for the children as well as the safety of the motorists and pedestrians fueled the petition, which he hopes will strike a chord among people who have witnessed or know of the horrors that take place on Kenyon Howden Road. “It’s not just the cars flying down the road but those motorists pulling off from the circle. A scary percentage of drivers have no respect for the use of the circle, which is meant to be for traffic calming. Instead it’s overlooked by those in a hurry,” added another resident who asked not to be named

An accident on Saturday, 22 July saw two light poles and a wall destroyed by a car which climbed the pavement. Fortunately no-one was hurt in the collision. “That accident could’ve ended very differently if that pavement was teeming with people, as it usually is,” said the resident.
“It’s a nightmare, having to constantly brace yourself for an accident. Almost everyday there are near misses, whether it be children reluctantly crossing the road or someone’s blatant disregard for the road rules which almost ends up in a horrible accident.
For 20 years I have seen enough accidents on this road to last me two lifetimes. It’s scary and I am sick of it. I have a family who are at potential risk because some driver decides not to obey the rules of a circle. These are lives that people are playing with. All we want is a safer road,” said resident and petition signatory, Ellen Badenhorst.
Community members are urged to sign the petition which will be handed to the traffic authorities.
“So far we have 300 signatures. We just want people to adhere to the rules of the road. By right, this road should have a speed limit of 60kph but I can tell you, people push 120kph going down the hill. Now imagine that speed downhill matching the speed of a car ignoring the yield line of the circle. Imagine the impact of a body against a car going 120kph? How is anyone safe?” exclaimed Hassan.
Long time residents, Ellen Badenhorst and Mo Hassan are fed up of witnessing daily carnage on the Kenyon Howden road

Another infuriated resident, Melanie Truelock wants the community to identify what can be done about this. “Every other day, children running across Kenyon Howden Road, going to the swimming pool, have almost been knocked over. Why can’t the Metro Police monitor this road? There are countless cars and motorbikes speeding up and down Kenyon Howden Road,” she said.

Truelock urges anybody who has had an accident in Kenyon Howden road to SMS or email the date and time of the incident and their contact details. “We want to take this matter further with all the relevant evidence,” she said.
For more information on the petition, call Mo Hassan on 081-301-4004 and contact Melanie Truelock with accident information on 063-263-6025.

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