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Celebrating Madiba’s legacy this #Mandeladay

mandeladay is trending throughout the world:

South Africa is not the only country  that is celebrating the life and legacy of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela today (18 July).

The late former president left a mark that has touched the lives of millions of people across the world who have joined South Africans in celebrating what would have been Madiba’s 99th birthday by doing good for at least 67 minutes.

Social media platforms are already abuzz with pictures of some good work being done and #mandeladay is trending throughout the world:



As posted on the United Nations website: If you would like to donate your own time to public service, here are some things you can do to take action and inspire change:

  • Make a new friend. Get to know someone from a different cultural background. Only through mutual understanding can we rid our communities of intolerance and xenophobia.
  • Read to someone who can’t. Visit a local home for the blind and open up a new world for someone else.
  • Help out at the local animal shelter. Dogs without homes still need a walk and a bit of love.
  • Help someone get a job. Put together and print a CV for them, or help them with their interview skills.
  • Many terminally ill people have no one to speak to. Take a little time to have a chat and bring some sunshine into their lives.
  • Get tested for HIV and encourage your partner to do so too.
  • Take someone you know, who can’t afford it, to get their eyes tested or their teeth checked.
  • Donate a wheelchair or guide dog, to someone in need.
  • Buy a few blankets, or grab the ones you no longer need from home and give them to someone in need.

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