
COP crime-fighting team grows on the Bluff

Contact Jeeves via email at to get involved.

THE Bluff’s Community Orientated Policing (COP) team has expanded and will soon include a full-time unit.

COP will soon launch a full-time unit of members who have had extensive training and have their PSIRA grades, along with the necessary firearm licences and other critera.
“With enough support, we can and will assist the SAPS to bring the crime rate down and will continue putting criminals behind bars,” said COP chairman, Rake Jeeves.
“The COP reaction and rapid response units are made up of 25 volunteers, who give up their family time to go out and protect residents of the Bluff. The other units in COP are made up of high visibility patrols, foot beats, car patrols, bike patrols and street patrols.”
With a further 20 new members signed up this week, together with the existing partnership with SAPS, Metro Police, Blue Security and other participating agencies, COP is ensuring the safety and security of the Bluff.
The arrest of a housebreaker on the Bluff this week was thanks to that ongoing partnership, along with the input of members of the community.
“Assist us in anyway you can to ensure we build up our full-time units that wil be on duty 24-hours a day, ready and waiting to assist the public in any emergency.”
Contact Jeeves via email at to get involved.

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