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Stainbank WI meets up again

After tea, the most interesting talk was given by Ken Gillings who is an absolute authority on the Battlefields in KwaZulu-Natal.

STAINBANK Women’s Institute (WI) president Arlene Greenfield opened the most recent meeting with a big welcome to all members and visitors and a note of how unfortunate it was to miss last month’s meeting.

Thoughts were extended to the families of Tish Larsen and Heather Millar.

After the singing of Unity, apologies were received from Elizabeth Keith, Maureen Bailey, Flo Harper, Donna Chelin and Joy McDonald. It is hoped that they will all be seen at the next meeting. Secretary Barbara Illsey read out the minutes and also received gifts from the president and the group executive, as it was Secretaries Day. Thank you Barbara.

The finance report was read and Stainbank WI is solvent. The charity this month is the Salvation Army so give generously. Next month it will be St Etheldreda’s Food Kitchen. The WI has managed to donate R1,000 to CROW for the aviary. The committee has decided that the usual fleamarket in November has been cancelled. Birthday wishes and anniversary greetings to all members who are or were celebrating in August and September

After tea, the most interesting talk was given by Ken Gillings who is an absolute authority on the Battlefields in KwaZulu-Natal. He compared sketches made at the Battlefields by one of the soldiers with the same area today and managed to find many of the points of interest. He had the most amazing stories to tell of that particular period. The raffles, swindle, R40 club and money board were all drawn. The vice president then read out the competition results for the month. The meeting closed with the reading of the Mary Stewart Collect by all members.

Competition results: Adult ed: Second Sheila von der Zon. Home produce: First Aileen Wiggell and Sheila van der Zon Cookery, second Beattie Johnston Webber. Handicraft: First Monica Wilson, second Beattie Johnston Webber. Agri and horti: Second Sheila van der Zon. Floral: First Beattie Johnston Webber. Best bloom: First Sheila van der Zon, second Monica Wilson, third Phyllis Parsonage. Best rose: First Sheila van der Zon, second Phyllis Parsonage. Best orchid: First Sheila van der Zon, second Phyllis Parsonage, third Koulla Tourtis and Monica Wilson. Merit: First Beattie Johnson Webber, second Aileen Wiggell, third Koulla Tsourtis. Overall winner was Sheila van der Zon. Maybe next month there will be a few different names as winners – members are urged to give the competitions a try.

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