
83 phones stolen in early morning robbery

Video footage is being viewed as part of the investigation by Montclair SAPS.

A CELLPHONE shop in Montclair Mall was targeted by a group of 10 armed men in the early hours of Thursday morning, 19 February.

It was reported that cellphones and models worth about R338,000 were stolen from the shop. A total 83 devices and models were taken.

Before the robbery, a security guard who was doing his rounds on the bottom floor of the mall noticed a red VW Polo and a grey car in the parking lot. Ten men jumped out the vehicles and came straight at him, threatening him with a firearm and forced him to open the mall doors. They ordered him to lie on the floor, while one still had a gun pointed at him.

During this time, the rest of the gunmen went into the mall and soon afterwards emerged with bags and drove off. The security guard was let free unharmed. He went inside to inspect the shops, noticed the suspects had shattered a glass door of the cellphone shop.

Fortunately the robbery happened before opening hours and no-one was harmed by the armed robbers. Video footage is being viewed as part of the investigation by Montclair SAPS.

Centre manager for Montclair Mall, Alisha Kisten confirmed the robbery and said it happened at 3.30am. “A security guard was held up by the robbers but fortunately he was not harmed but a bit traumatised. This was our first armed robbery and we have a security company, we lock up the mall but it seemed futile against the robbers. We are now talking to the police about assisting us with extra protection to make the mall a much safer place.”

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