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YWP WI learns about personality types

The most amazing stimulating talk was given on the different personalities we all have by Colin Vermaak.

YELLOWWOOD Park Women's Institute (WI) president Vanessa Wilesmith opened the first meeting of the year by wishing all members and many friends a good and successful year ahead.

The Mary Stewart Collect was read and thoughts are with Dot Montocchio and all people suffering in the dreadful drought.

The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and a thank you letter from the seniors club for the gifts at Christmas. Unfortunately resignation letters were received from very long standing members Caryl Howard and Jean Donkin. Due to the success of the sales table last year, the WI is able to reduce the subs by R10 and R5 this year. Advise before end of February if you will be resigning.

The most amazing and stimulating talk was given on the different personalities we all have, by Colin Vermaak. He had all members in stitches, asking if they thought they were in the red group being driven, forceful and decisive or maybe in the yellow group, being dramatic, expressive and spontaneous. Everyone certainly learnt a lot about themselves from this great speaker.

The president advised that after four years, she is resigning as president and called for nominations from members. Come on members, give it a lot of thought and consider the successful and enjoyable evenings members have together.

Birthday members were all remembered and wished happy days and given a gift.

Tea duty for February are Marsha Hart, Linda Hewer and Gerda Viljoen. Meals on Wheels will be held on 8 February. Many thanks to members. Botanic Gardens duty is on 27 February. Many thanks to those who did duty on 23 January. Do not forget the meeting begins at 7pm.

Judge Linda Melson reminded members about the workshops which will be held during the coming year on all sorts of subjects. Get in touch with Linda if you are interested.

Competition results: Floral: First Wendy Henderson, second Marsha Hart. Agri and Horti: First Sharon Quail. Craft: First Gerda Viljoen, second Sharon Quail, third Marsha Hart. Handicraft: First Sharon Quail, second Marsha Hart, third Gerda Viljoen and Robyn Murray. Adult ed: First Wendy Henderson, second Sharon Quail, Marsha Hart and Gerda Viljoen. Homemaking: First Sharon Quail and Marsha Hart. Best bloom: First Marsha Hart and Sharon Quail, second Gerda Viljoen and Wendy Henderson. Merit: First Gerda Viljoen, second Marsha Hart, third Sharon Quail and Robyn Murray. Congratulations maybe there will be some new names this year.

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