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Vagrants attack man at show grounds

A man was attacked when investigating a complaint of vandalism at the Bluff Show Grounds.

THE attack of a man at the Bluff Show Grounds on Thursday, 7 August has led Bluff Ratepayers Association chairman, Ivor Aylward to question the safety of the public land.

At about 11am, an official tending to a complaint regarding the show grounds was attacked by a group of vagrants who have taken up residence in dilapidated buildings.

“The show grounds are closed to the public for safety reasons. I laid a complaint months ago about the state of the show grounds – fencing has been removed and the buildings are being vandalised,” said Aylward.

The SUN visited the show grounds with the ratepayers chairman in February when he first complained about the lack of upkeep and safety concerns at the site.

“I want to know why a guard wasn’t placed at the show grounds and why isn’t a guard placed there 24/7 now, so the property can be protected against such activities and the safety of the residents can be assured?

It is beyond me why we must always wait until something terrible happens before something is done,” said Aylward.

What do you think should be done to safeguard public spaces like the Bluff Show Grounds? Tell us below.

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