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Ending period poverty on The Bluff with sanitary pad drive

Trinity Family Church, based on The Bluff, has launched a sanitary pad drive to help reduce period poverty. The prices of sanitary pads has proven to be unaffordable for many women.

IN a heartfelt initiative aimed at addressing period poverty among young girls in foster homes, Trinity Family Church on The Bluff has initiated a sanitary pad drive.

Also read: Wentworth Angels call on community to support sanitary drive

Spearheaded by the church’s humanitarian committee, this drive seeks to provide essential sanitary products to girls in need, ensuring they do not miss school or face hygiene-related health issues.

Trinity Nair, a member of the humanitarian committee, emphasised the urgent need for such initiatives. “We will be conducting a sanitary pad drive, and we will be donating the proceeds to young girls in foster homes, such as St. Monica Children’s Home and Isiaiah 54 Children’s Home, who are in desperate need,” said Nair.

Nair shared insights gathered from caregivers and supervisors at the orphanages, who expressed their deep concern over the lack of basic sanitary products. “Some of the girls miss out on school because they do not have enough pads. This sparked the idea of starting a pad drive as no female should have to worry about not having essential items – which should be free – such as pads,” she said.

She added that she would like to highlight that the government encourages safe sexual activities by handing out free protective contraceptives such as condoms but will not set aside funding for necessities such as sanitary pads.

The sanitary pad drive is just the beginning for their humanitarian committee. “As a start, we have begun with sanitary pads, but with increasing momentum and public support, we aim to further the drives and help provide other essential sanitary items,” said Nair.

She underscored the broader impact of this initiative, noting, “For many low-income families, sanitary products can be a significant expense. Donating pads can help alleviate this financial burden, allowing families to allocate their resources to other essential needs. Many girls and women miss school or work during their periods due to a lack of sanitary products. Providing these items can reduce absenteeism and improve educational and economic outcomes. Access to sanitary pads helps maintain menstrual hygiene, preventing infections and other health issues that can arise from using unsafe alternatives.”

Nair urged residents and businesses alike to support this drive. For more information and to participate in the sanitary pad drive, please contact Trinity Family Church at 079 781 7632.

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