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Filth everywhere on the Bluff

The photos are just some of the items within 100 metres – a stretch of one kilometer square looks like this and there are many similar issues in this area.

EDITOR – As the one song says “There are more questions than answers, the more I found out the less I know”

The best way to demonstrate some of the issues I have is in the pictures below.

37drain (Small)

Monday, 2 September at approximately 5pm after I was told by the eThekwini sub-contractors that they had just cleaned this drain a short while ago (e.g. 2.15pm) and challenged me to go and inspect it. Despite chasing after these sub-contractors and informing some of the workers that this drain has still not been attended to, my plea to them was ignored.

37lid (Small)

This storm water drain is situated on the corner of Bluff and Stott road – here one can see that the soil has been cleared off the face of the drain and scooped up onto the pavement. Note that the lid was never lifted therefore the inside of the drain was not cleaned out – so whatever debris that is in this drain will eventually be flushed out with the first heavy downpour and the same soil that was cleared from the lid will eventually end up in the same area from where it was lifted  and/or be flushed down the drain.

37rubble (Small)

This picture shows the latest addition to future rubble e.g. the tar which has been dug up from the pavement at the electrical sub station opposite Stott Road e.g. the corner of Bluff and Stott Roads (not the suitcase as that has been laying there for a while) The way this tar has been spread, one can already come to the conclusion that it’s never going to be lifted and taken away. Should the intention have been to remove these tar pieces as claimed by the workers on site, why was it not properly stacked on the pavement for easy removal?

37pavement (Small)

This is what the pavement looks like on the corner of Bluff and Iran road.

37railway (Small)

Fynnland Railway station, Transnet (Spoornet) ticket office building with the fence being pulled down by weeds.

37building (Small)

A building opposite Fynnland Railway station? Unless someone instruct officials to serve a letter to the owner to clean out, repair or demolished this building will it become worse and not better.



37signage (Small)

The old Fynnland Railway station signage and the new one.


37fence (Small)

Also note  the fence (horizontal) that separates Spoornet and the municipality properties.

37rubbish (Small)

These rubbish bags have been laying at Fynnland Railway station since last week and were not collected by DSW despite them doing their rounds once a week for household and twice a week for flats.

I phoned the eThekwini department on the number provided to me by the councillor and after being transferred to a few people, I eventually ended up speaking to a person by the name of Justice who agreed to meet up with me and do an on site inspection.

Justice promised me he would send in his team to sweep the streets but with regards to the concern about overgrowth, is it the responsibility of the parks department, who should in his opinion come on site first.

What does this mean? “It means someone needs to phone Parks”.

I will monitor and follow up on the promise made by Mr Justice as he himself stated “I am a man of action and not of words”. Let’s see if one phone call can make a difference.

The photos above are just some of the items within 100 metres – a stretch of one kilometer square looks like this and there are many more similar issues in this area.

“Judge for yourself”


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