
Roaming dogs’ savage slaughter of cat in YWP decried

I have spoken to other residents who have also witnessed these dogs roaming Yellowwood Park and they too mentioned their brutal hostility.

EDITOR – I am writing to you with regards to a tragic incident that happened to my son and myself around midnight on Saturday, 6 January.

A pack of killer dogs entered my property at the entrance to Yellowwood Park and proceeded to savagely attack and kill my beloved cat which we had raised and nurtured for the last 13 years.

They broke his neck and back and ripped him apart. By the time I reached him, they were proceeding to carry him off whereupon I screamed and they dropped him onto the verge in front of my house. I carried him in my arms, blood drenched and emotionally distraught, from where these savage dogs had abandoned his limp body.

This pack of dogs was moving in a group of three and I had spotted them previously after they had attacked and killed another harmless, defenceless cat some time ago. I have spoken to other residents who have also witnessed these dogs roaming Yellowwood Park and they too mentioned their brutal hostility.

This incident has been reported to the Yellowwood Park ward councillor, Metro Police and SPCA.

I appeal to the newspaper to publish something in order to curb these attacks by reporting any sightings of these vicious medium sized, sandy coloured dogs by the residents of the area to the Metro Police, SPCA or any other office pertaining to these matters.They have generally been spotted in the evenings.

People should contain their dogs on their properties according to the bylaws of the area and if out walking their dogs, they should keep them on a leash. The three dogs in question have had a taste of blood and according to a few vets we have spoken to, will kill again and sooner or later will attack humans, possibly children.


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