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Quiz time at Stainbank WI

Next month will be bingo month so bring your old coins or buttons to assist.

STAINBANK Women’s Institute president Arlene Greenfield welcomed all members to the meeting and was particularly glad to see many who had been unwell.

Everyone’s thoughts are with longstanding member Gladys Knapp.

After the singing of Unity in good voice, apologies were given and then the secretary read the previous minutes and the treasurer confirmed that the WI is solvent at the moment.

Congratulations to Beattie Johnson Webber on coming first in floral at the Southern Hills AGM.

Stainbank WI advised that any member interested going to Congress should take advantage of the cheaper rates at the Midmar Dam resort. Note that the institute’s birthday party will be in June this year and the choir is still going very strong. Stainbank WI hopes all subs have been paid for the year. Members should continue to make as many fidget cushions as possible, as they are so popular with the elderly and children. Unfortunately the proposed speaker for the morning could not attend, but incredible member Lynne Graham once again came to the rescue with an interesting general knowledge quiz. Thank you Lyn for the assistance.

Next month will be bingo month so take along your old coins or buttons to assist. It will be great fun. Best wishes to Jenny Andersen and Jeanette Turley who will be off on adventurous holidays. Birthday wishes and anniversary greetings to members. Woodlands’ birthday party will be held on 6 May at the Montclair Recreational Hall. The president closed the meeting with the Mary Stewart Collect.

The charity next month will be CROW, which does such great work in the area.

Competition results: Adult ed: First Barbara Isley.

Home produce: First Sheila von der Zon, second Aileen Wiggill. Cookery: No entries.

Craft: No entries. Handicraft: No entries. Agri and horti: First Beattie Johnson Webber, second Shelagh Geddie, third Sheila von der Zon. Floral: Second Beattie Johnson Webber. Best bloom: Sheila von der Zon, second Jeanette Turley, third Phyllis Parsonage. Best rose: First Phyllis Parsonage, third Sheila von der Zon. Best orchid, second Sheila von der Zon. Merit: First Aileen Wiggell, second Beattie Johnson Webber, third Jeanette Turley.

A lot of thought goes into setting the competitions and it would assist if members attempted some of them – give them a try. Many thanks as always to the very able judges.

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