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Lightning strike claims children’s home building

Bluff home casualty of storm.

THANKS to the swift action of staff at St Monica’s home for children there were no injuries when a storm destroyed a building housing children on Friday, 26 February.

The severe storm caused much havoc as shops flooded and trees toppled. The children’s home on the Bluff was one causality of the storm, as a cottage that housed 15 children was burnt to the ground.

At about 7.15pm, carer, Nosipho Ngcobo, who was assigned to one of the six cottages that houses children at St Monica’s, described hearing a loud noise as lightning is believed to have struck the cottage. As she moved towards the back of the cottage because she smelt smoke, Ncgobo saw it was on fire.

“She quickly evacuated the children and it is thanks to her that there were no injuries,” said St Monica’s director, Althea Govender.

“By 7.20pm the fire was raging and out of control. We tried to call the fire department, but the networks were down,” said Govender.

When someone was eventually able to contact the authorities, the fire department arrived and was able to douse the flames. By then the damage was done and the cottage and all the items within were destroyed.

“The children are now displaced into other cottages, which will require them to adjust.”

Although dismayed by the loss of the building and items, Govender is thankful the children are safe and unharmed.

“I commend the team at St Monica’s, especially Nosipho Ngcobo, who really came to the fore during this emergency. It is only because of them that no lives were lost and there were no injuries.

We are thankful to God for pulling us through and keeping us going,” she said.

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