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Durban youth innovation challenge launches

The participants will be given a task where they will be expected to come up with a solution to challenges faced by the city, using a variety of skills and technology.

TO equip the youth with tools to help them respond to social and business challenges, eThekwini Municipality’s Innovate Durban Programme and partners, recently launched the Youth Innovation Challenge at Elangeni Hotel.

Renowned experts from a range of fields in the technology and business sector illustrated ways to unleash innovation to address these challenges using modern methods.

Deputy mayor Cllr Nomvuzo Shabalala said the city was honoured to have partnered with prominent companies to share their experiences and successes with the youth. This integration of companies is critical and will assist in a dynamic approach to finding solutions in economic challenges.

“It is in such platforms where young people can learn and be empowered to become successful entrepreneurs. Innovation and entrepreneurship forms a primary pillar in ensuring radical economic transformation,” said Shabalala. Geraldine Reymenants of the Government of Flanders said that innovation triggers social inclusion and that it is a tool to promote a culture of innovation among people in our communities.

“This magnificent method plays imperative role in business sector in transforming informal to formal enterprise development,” she said

Khohliwe Makhohliso of Oracle said we are living in times of growth and development. “We have decided to partner with eThekwini Municipality because our aim is to expand these services to rural communities so they are able to make contributions in transforming the economy of the city and respond to new developments,” she said

Registration is open for young people to participate in the Youth Innovation Challenge. They will be given the opportunity to engage with technology experts to gain insight on how to use modern technology to address challenges.

The participants will be given a task where they will be expected to come up with a solution to challenges faced by the city, using a variety of skills and technology. With this, the city intends to create a culture of innovation among the youth for them to take a lead in growing Durban’s economy.

Registration can be accessed on https://innovate.durban.gov.za. Email enquiries to innovate.durban@durban.gov.za

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