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Anti-hijack workshop draws big audience

The presentation was humorous and well presented.

THE BLUFF Community Policing Forum’s (CPF) anti-hijacking presentation hosted by Johan Von Bargen, was a success, with about 100 people learning how to safeguard themselves.

The presentation was held at the Bluff National Park Golf Club on Tuesday, 9 June, with van Bargen talking about the types of hijackers and providing safety tips. CPF chairman, Carl Knauff said the night was a success and another anti-hijacking presentation will be held later in the year for those unable to attend this one.

CPF secretary, Louise Bennet, provided the following summary of the tips given by Von Bargen:

  • Never fight the hijacker.
  • Put hands up, palms facing out, so the hijacker can see your hands are empty.
  • Tell the hijacker what you are going to do, for example “I’m going to undo my seatbelt”. Make no sudden movements and only do what you say you are going to do.
  • If facing the hijacker, look over their shoulder. Don’t look them in the eye or at the ground.
  • At traffic lights, stop far enough away from car in front so you can see their rear tyres on the tarmac. This way you’ll be able to manoeuvre around them if need be.
  • Vary your routine and route as much as possible.
  • Don’t have child lock activated on rear doors.
  • Do a practice drill with your children every so often, so they listen without questioning.
  • Prune the lower branches of shrubs at your home so you can see if someone is trying to hide behind them.
  • Side mirrors on vehicle should be set as follows: On the driver’s side, so you can see the rear door handle in the bottom left-hand corner of the mirror and on the passenger’s side, so you can see the rear door handle in the bottom right-hand corner of the mirror.

“The presentation was humorous and well presented. Thank-you to the people who made the night a success, and thank-you also to Bronwyn of the Victim Friendly Facility for assisting in the organising of this event,” said Knauff.

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