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Help combat road deaths

Police urge residents and visitors to report dangerous drivers.

BRIGHTON Beach SAPS urges residents to report reckless drivers during their festive season road safety campaign.

On Monday, 15 December officers of the Brighton Beach SAPS detective services and media monitoring along with ADT Security members handed out brochures and spoke to the community about proper road use. Communications officer, Captain Louise Le Roux, chief investigator of reckless and negligent driving cases, Warrant Officer Joanna Baldeo and chief investigator of drinking and driving cases, Constable Thandi Mgcongo urged all road users to be aware of their surroundings and to report any unsafe road users.

“You can report bad drivers, unsafe vehicles, reckless and negligent driver behaviour, including fraud and corruption issues related to the traffic sphere by calling the Road Traffic Centre on 0861-400-800 or email the National Traffic Management Corporation at ntcc@rtmc.co.za. Also contact Arrive Alive through their Facebook page, facebook.com/ArriveAlive.co.za, their Twitter handle, @-ArriveAlive or by phone, 012-309-3000,” said Capt Le Roux

The brochures covered a wide range of road safety topics, including the use of seatbelts and child restraints, prohibition on the use of mobile devices when driving, how to be a responsible pedestrian and concerns about the use of alcohol and banned substances when operating a motor vehicle.

“It concerns me to see people who are arrested for being under the influence of alcohol or banned substances have their families travelling with them, including children. It is selfish to drive under the influence of alcohol or banned substances. I am pleased as lately the courts impose harsher sentences on those who are found guilty of drinking and driving,” said Const Mgcongo.

W/O Baldeo added: “Witness statements can help us bring a perpetrator before a court and it can bring closure to family members who have lost loved ones. It is the right thing to do. Ensure babies, toddlers and children are buckled up – severe injury and death can be prevented during a collision.”

Brighton Beach SAPS management thanks Hillside Mall and Bluff Towers for hosting the campaign, ADT for sponsoring the brochures and the SAPS members for their participation.

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