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Curbing crime through cleaning up area

According to Montclair CPF chairperson, Jackie Goncalves, the aim of the clean-up was to clear away bushes and long grass which were possible hiding spots for criminals.

THE MONTCLAIR Community Policing Forum (CPF) together with various stakeholders recently held a clean-up day and educational patrol.

The CPF, together with the Yellowwood Park and Woodhaven Ratepayers Association, Montclair Clean Team, eThekwini Municipality Safer Cities and DSW, security companies and volunteers from the community, armed with rakes, spades, black bags and grass cutting tools embarked on a clean-up of Snipe Crescent, Coedmore Avenue, Egret Way and Starling Avenue.

Jackie Goncalves, the CPF’s chairperson, said the goal was to promote the mindset of a clean space being a safe space.

“The aim of the clean-up was to clear away bushes and long grass which can pose as a safety risk. During the clean-up, we also identified hotspot areas for criminals to hide, as well people use for illegal dumping. We will be monitoring those areas.

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“During the awareness drive we stopped at key points in the community, as well as shopping malls and centres, to hand out pamphlets and educate residents on illegal dumping, and to explain to them how they can become involved in clean-ups.

“The CPF would like to thank all of the stakeholders that were involved in making this initiative a success, and we look forward to working together for the betterment of the area, and the lives of the residents,” she said.

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