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Abandoned Impala finds refuge at CROW

An abandoned and dehydrated Impala was recently brought in by concerned citizens, into the Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife to be nurtured back to health.

The Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW)  in Yellowwood Park, recently admitted a new member to their diverse family a little Impala fondly known as ‘Legs’.
According to CROW’s marketing and communications officer, Lana Bartholomew, Legs was admitted into the centre on Christmas Eve last year, being only a day or two old and weighing in at about 5kg.  She was found on a pathway, covered in dirt, having been left behind by her herd. Having been without her mother or food for a while, the concerned citizens decided to bring her to us.
“After a thorough exam from our clinic nurse, she was found to be slightly dehydrated with a few superficial scratches on her hind legs.

She was treated and placed in a camp with a little grey duiker and bushbuck. Sheshe is growing well and drinking loads of milk and has settled in brilliantly and has become friends with her two other camp mates. Even though this is not what naturally occurs in the wild, the company of the two other antelope keep her calm and prevents unnecessary stress on her,” explained Bartholomew.
CROW would appreciate any donations of full cream long life milk as they have four baby antelope (grey duiker, two bushbucks and an Impala) in their care and go through at least 21 litres of milk a week, three litres a day.


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