How to make moving with kids easier

Moving into a new house is cited as one of life’s most stressful events but there are things you can do to make the process easier.

Ask anyone who has moved house and they’ll tell you that moving is never a walk in the park! In fact, it’s included in the list of hugely stressful life events (such as the death of a loved one, divorce, and discovering you have a terminal illness).

Most of us like familiarity, routine, and order. When you’re moving, you have none of those. Adding to this, your children will likely also feel the stress of moving, making this change even more challenging.

Research shows that one out of every five families move at least once a year. Most moves take place within the same city, but in recent years the number of moves between cities and countries has increased. The most stressful time for families is usually two weeks before and two weeks after the move. It’s during this time that parents can apply the following techniques to help make the transition easier for their children:

Moving home with a baby or toddler

Infants and toddlers usually make the transition well. They may pick up on their parent’s anxiety, however, and consequently become particularly fussy and demanding. Older toddlers, who have just begun to understand a few basic household rules like don’t draw on the walls, need to re-learn these rules in the new house. If the person who cares for your child during the day is changing too, your child may miss the old carer and not be able to express it.

What you can do:

Moving home with a pre-schooler

Children in this age group (three to five) are often excited about the move, but may not really understand everything that is going on. They may feel that the stress and negative emotions are somehow their fault. They also find it hard to understand what will go with them and what will stay behind, and may develop fears for their personal belongings and toys.

What you can do:

Moving home with an older child

In general, children aged five and upwards are positive before and even immediately after the move. They often have an active imagination and may imagine that the move will make their lives wonderful. After the move, when reality sets in, they may become angry or depressed, especially if they haven’t made friends yet.

What you can do:

When to seek help  

If you notice any of the following signs before, during, or after a move, your child may benefit from professional help (from an educational psychologist or play therapist):


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