Birth control options if you’re breastfeeding

For the first couple of weeks after giving birth, sex is probably the last thing on your mind – not to mention birth control. You’re tired, and taking care of your newborn is all that’s on your mind. But, if you’re not ready to have another baby right away, now is the time you need …

For the first couple of weeks after giving birth, sex is probably the last thing on your mind – not to mention birth control. You’re tired, and taking care of your newborn is all that’s on your mind. But, if you’re not ready to have another baby right away, now is the time you need to be really careful. You can still get pregnant if you’re breastfeeding – all breastfeeding and the hormonal changes that come with it does is help delay ovulation and temporarily decrease your chances of fall pregnant right away. But, if you’re not using any form of birth control, chances are you’ll get pregnant sooner than expected.

Here are some birth control options you can consider if you’re breastfeeding:  


The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) delays fertility by inhibiting ovulation in postpartum women.  

LAM can work:

Lam isn’t a contraception guarantee

If all the conditions required for LAM to work are met, the risk of pregnancy is 2% in the first six months post-delivery. But the interaction between breastfeeding hormones and the hormones responsible for ovulation vary, so it’s possible to ovulate during this time. Because the egg is released 14 days before menstruating, breastfeeding mothers waiting for their first period can’t predict when the first egg will be released.

Best birth control options while breastfeeding Barrier methods

Female and male condoms, when combined with the effect of breastfeeding, are good contraceptive choices during the breastfeeding period.

Hormonal methods

The addition of oestrogen – in the combined oral contraceptive referred to as ‘the pill’ – can decrease and even stop breastmilk supply. Therefore, all hormonal methods of contraception during lactation contain progestogen only. Progestogen causes cervical mucus to become viscous and hostile to sperm and thins the uterus lining, which inhibits implantation. Some hormonal methods may also inhibit ovulation. Because progestogen methods stop the uterine lining from forming, it’s common not to get a period. Should the lining become too thin, irregular bleeding and spotting may occur, but this doesn’t mean that the method is ineffective. It is easily treated or can be ignored.

The available progestogen-only methods are:


The mini pill is a progestogen-only pill taken daily that can be started three weeks post-delivery. This contraceptive method is ideal for women who are diligent about taking pills daily.



It needs to be taken religiously at about the same time every day. This may not fit into the routine – or non-routine – of women who’ve just had a baby.

Other possible side-effects include:

Progestogen sub-dermal implant

The Progestogen sub-dermal implant is a 40mm x 2mm rod with progestogen that is implanted into the upper arm under the skin every three to five years. It can be inserted four to six weeks post-delivery. This contraceptive method is ideal for women with adherence problems.



Progestogen injections

A progestogen-only injection is administered every two to three months. It can be administered immediately after delivery. This is ideal for women who forget to take pills daily.



Intra-uterine device  (IUD) and system (IUS) Copper IUD

The copper intrauterine device is placed inside the womb. It prevents pregnancy by changing the lining of the womb. It also has a toxic effect on sperm and ova and decreases sperm motility. It can be inserted four to six weeks after a normal vaginal delivery and six weeks after a C-section. Depending on the product, it’s effective for a minimum of five years. It can be removed before that if you want to fall pregnant again. As it’s non-hormonal it doesn’t affect breastfeeding.


The IUS is a progestogen rod that is placed inside the womb. The progestogen contained in it mainly acts locally and so has no effect on breast milk.

Advantages of IUD and IUS:

Disadvantages of IUD and IUS:


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