Reassurance from Mall of the South

“The Mall cannot divulge its security procedures, protocols or measures to the public as this will only benefit the criminals at large."

AFTER Mall of the South was highlighted in the Comaro CHRONICLE concerning recent robberies (August 9, page 3), the CHRONICLE spoke to Hester Smith, Mall of the South Centre Manager.

“In light of the attention on Mall of the South in recent media articles and social media platforms, we would like to inform the community we serve on the ways we are tackling security. There has, unfortunately, been a wave of crime across South Africa recently, especially in Gauteng. Sadly, the majority of shopping malls have not been left unscathed by this. Some of the robberies that have occurred in shopping malls have resulted in fatalities and injuries. However, Mall of the South has managed to avoid fatalities and injuries due to its security protocol and actions. Nine months prior to the last few well publicised incidents, the Mall had no major incidents, and this was commended by Liefe en Vrede community activists who stating that this “in itself speaks volumes”.

Safety is a priority

“The Mall cannot divulge its security procedures, protocols or measures to the public as this will only benefit the criminals at large. However, we have shared it with SAPS, chairperson of the CPF, Michelle Pelser, head of CPF sector 3 (Fred Dekker), and Mr Raj Naidoo and Mr Pravesh Singh representing the Liefde en Vrede community. They let us and their community know that after seeing the steps taken at the Mall, he can say 'first-hand’ that the mall is doing everything security wise to ensure the safety of its shoppers, tenants and staff. Of course we cannot guarantee robberies won't happen again but we have taken measures to further deter criminal activity in the Mall and we remain vigilant.

“Quatro Security is responsible for the security within the mall and D&D tactical is responsible for the armed response on the outside of the mall. Quatro Security Services is one of the preferred security contractors in the South African market, serving various national and international clients. Quatro Security operate an internal quality management system designed around an International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC), and are 'Gold Members' of SIA. Their Chairman is a Board member on SIA and [they are] 100 per cent compliant in terms of PSIRA.

“We also work very closely with SAPS, Michelle Pelser, chairperson of CPF and CPF sector 3 as Mall of the South falls within their jurisdiction and our security plan has been approved by SAPS (Col Mahlaba). We will continue working with the community organisations and SAPS alike to make the environment a safe and a happy one to shop at, and continue to welcome crime combatting initiatives and visible policing,” said Smith.

Concerns about taxi rank

“With regards to comments on the taxi rank, the Mall has in fact provided a taxi rank, which unfortunately cannot be opened until such time the routes have been allocated by the various taxi associations. Allocation of the routes is a government responsibility and is outside of our control. If the Mall had to open the taxi rank while the routes and associations have not been appointed, we will create an environment of conflict between the various associations as has happened in other areas where the ranks were opened prior to associations [being] appointed to routes. Mall of the South has on several occasions stated its position on the issue.

The mall and the community

“While most concerned about the events over the last couple of weeks, the management team of Mall of the South is satisfied that the security and technology related to the safety of our customers is comprehensively provided for and that such incidents are a regrettable example of the current security situation in South Africa – which we can only respond to, but cannot control.

“Mr Singh and Mr Naidoo perhaps said it best in their feedback to the Liefde en Vrede community. ‘The Mall is part of our community and its value cannot be understated. They provide employment and development to our area. It's important that we see it as our investment and ensure we protect our interests. We will continue to engage them and monitor the situation. I think it's important we refrain from making allegations or statements about the mall and its management without receiving the proper information.’”



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