What is your attitude towards life?

Have an attitude for growth and see growth as a result of becoming a magnet that attracts good things not just waiting for good things to come to you.

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean

Attitude means a way of looking at things or point of view. Attitude is a reflection, our attitude to life determines life’s attitude to us. This simply means we shape our own lives.

Successful people have a good attitude towards themselves; they expect to succeed more than they fail. They expect more good things in life than bad. Our environment is the mirror of our attitude, before changing the environment we have to change our attitude. If you want something worthwhile, take the attitude that there are lot more reasons why you can have it than there are that you cannot have it and set out to do it.

It would be impossible for me to estimate the number of jobs which have been lost, number of promotions missed, the number of sales not made, the number of relationships and marriages ruined by bad attitude. You can definitely number in the millions, the jobs which are held but hated, the relationships that are tolerated but are unhappy. All these happen because of people who are waiting for the world and others to change towards them instead of them changing their attitude.

Have an attitude for growth and see growth as a result of becoming a magnet that attracts good things not just waiting for good things to come to you. To see what attitude you have right now, just look at your relationships, job or career, these you have attracted. The good news is that you can change them by changing your attitude ‘magnet’ and attract what you want. You have so much power flowing at and through you; it just needs your guidance through your attitude.

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