Stop illegal dumping near the Nasrec Expo Centre

There is a growing illegal dumping of rubble and all other waste on the veld opposite Nasrec Expo Centre and the waste is now also borders along Central Street on the Ormonde side.

I live in Ormonde and I would like to raise awareness on this growing scourge besieging our surrounding area of Ormonde.

There is a growing conduct of dumping rubble and all other waste on the veld opposite the Nasrec Expo Centre, which also borders Central Street on the Ormonde side.

The place has been completely turned into a dumpsite from the open green field it used to be. Note this place is just opposite Crown Golf Course. I am writing from a nature conservation point of view and out of concern for health and safety as I found a lot of disposable nappies dumped there while on a stroll.

Another thing that can help is to create awareness by engaging with the municipality as most of the dump is rubble from homeowners who are doing house extensions and renovations.

Please pay a visit to that site to get a picture and get to grips with the scale of the problem as people seem to dump there nonchalantly as though the place has been demarcated for such.

Local resident

The COURIER will endeavour to involve all relevant parties to help fight this illegal dumping at that spot once again as it was done in 2014.

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