Downscaling tips for empty nesters

Parents whose children have left home to study, travel or move into their own homes often find it difficult to sell their large family homes.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – Parents whose children have left home to study, travel or move into their own homes often find it difficult to sell their large family homes because of the memories and emotions attached to their properties.

Many of these ‘empty nesters’ also put off the decision because they feel that downscaling will entail a drastic change in lifestyle. The daunting thought of the move itself and having to decide which of their accumulated treasures to keep and which to part with, can also cause a delay.

According to Tony Clarke, the managing director of the Rawson Property Group, parents may find the whole process easier to deal with if they can think of it not so much as downsizing, but rather as ‘downshifting’ to an easier, more secure and less costly lifestyle, as a reward for years of hard work.

Tony’ handy tips for downshifting:

· Think about where you will place furniture and other items in your new home and meticulously pair down your possessions to those you know will find a specific space in your new home. Don’t leave things to the last minute, give yourself time to visualise your new lifestyle and think carefully about your choices.

· Never move things on the off-chance that you will find room for them and don’t rent a storage facility for any overflow. Now is also the time for grown children to claim any items they want from the family home otherwise let the items go.

· If you really have trouble parting with certain items, consider donating them to a children’s home, hospice or animal shelter. Alternatively have an auctioneer or second hand dealer sell them to raise cash for your favourite charity.

· Scan any papers and photographs you want to keep and save them on a few CDs, memory sticks or the cloud.

· Maximise the space available in your new home. A spare bedroom can easily do double duty as a study and a wall-hung screen will take up much less space than a TV on a stand. Similarly, why not digitise your music collection so you can ditch the bulky hi-fi?

· Use the internet to explore innovative storage solutions such as additional cupboard space above the existing kitchen units, double hanging rails in clothes cupboards and bookcases below counter overhangs.

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