Give money to children’s home instead

Concern skate park may become haven for loiterers, illegal dumping and place for criminals to assess houses for possible break ins.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – I found it quiet ironic to see the article on the new park being built in Suideroord, as on the adjacent page is an article about the government’s annual underpayment to a children’s home to the amount of about R4 million.

How does it transpire that there is money for a new park but not enough for houses, service delivery and charitable institutions? It appears that several residents have objected to this proposed park and apparently the local councillor was only consulted at the last minute, but was fortunately able to cancel the skate park.

I wonder if anyone ever thinks that some people live in the vicinity of a nature reserve because they like peace and quiet. Who would want a skate park on their doorstep.

I only hope that this park will be used for the purpose which it is being built and does not become a haven for loiterers, dumping of rubbish and a place for criminals to hang about to assess houses for possible break-ins.

I do have a concern in that the initial excavations seem to taking place adjacent to pylons. There is ongoing research into the probability that these pylons can contribute to causing cancer and I presume that is why the law does or did stipulate that they have to be built at a certain distance from houses.

I am not sure what legislation is in force at the moment regarding these structures, but I would definitely think that young children should not be too close to them for any length of time. Perhaps someone knows what the law says regarding what structures may be built in the vicinity of these pylons together with relevant distances.

Southern resident

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