Step into your greatness

The way we are raised seems to indicate that we must be the same, ignore the voice of reason within us.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment,’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

When we are children, we hear words like be careful, watch out, you are going to get hurt, you will be embarrassed, you will fail. In our families, we are told to be like our brothers and sisters, or other family members. At school, we are told to be like other children. At work, we are told to be like other employees.

I really had a challenge with this because we are all born to be unique and different; we have different talents and gifts to make this world a better place than we found it.

The way we are raised seems to indicate that we must be the same, ignore the voice of reason within us.

Whenever you think of following your heart, you are immediately treated as an outcast and a rebel. Looking at the majority of people, they are not happy with their lives; they are not where they would like to be. So, why are you continuously wanting to be like others? Wake up, it’s not working, it’s killing your uniqueness and talents.

You are born to succeed but unfortunately most people are tamed (domesticated) not to reach the pinnacle of their potential by being told that they have to be like others. We are told that failure is the most embarrassing and horrible thing ever.

So, I am saying to you, it’s time to free yourself by following your heart (you will fail along the way, it’s fine) and listen to that voice of reason deep down in your soul. Know, from now on, that it is acceptable to be yourself, to unleash the power that God has given to you and to make this world a much better place than you found it. You are unique and special, so be yourself and not somebody else’s copy.

Every day, when you wake up in the morning, say these words, “I am tired of living a small life, I deserve better, I am Born to Win!”

Veli Ndaba is a life coach, motivational speaker, author and founder of Sekusile Technical Services.

For more information, contact him at or on 010 591 1197.

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