
South African Cities Network Instagram Competition

SACN Instagram Competition - My City through My Lens.

JOHANNESBURG – The South African Cities Network (SACN) will convene the 4th South African Urban Development Conference from March 4 to 6. The conference, will inform the preparation of the 4th State of Cities Report by focusing on the question: “Are cities driving local and national development?”

As part of the exciting build-up towards the State of South African Cities Report 2016, the SACN is initiating a public initiative intended to engage youth in thinking and commenting about their cities. The 2015 SA Cities’ Instagram Photo Competition is thus aimed at welcoming young city residents, through a per-city competition format, to contribute to building up a reflective, visually compelling set of images about how citizens and urban dwellers view their cities and city life.

To leverage the growing interest and participation in social media and “insta-walks,” SACN has partnered with Mobile Media Mob (MMM) to orchestrate this Instagram Photo Competition where young people can “Instagram” images of their city in response to an overall competition theme:

The best images will be added to SACN’s image library for use across various outputs, and the winning entries will be featured in the State of Cities Report 2016.

SACN Instagram Competition is open to legal residents of South Africa only. Contestants must be at least 18 years old at the time of entry. Employees of SACN (the ‘Sponsor’), its subsidiaries, affiliates, their participating advertising and promotion agencies, and the immediate family members of, and/or those living in the same household of each, are not eligible to enter. This Competition is subject to all applicable federal, state, local and municipal laws and regulations.

How to participate

If you do not have an Instagram account, download the free Instagram application to your smartphone or compatible mobile device with a data plan.

To enter, follow SACN on Instagram:


Via Instagram, upload an eligible photo

  • Include the SACN Instagram handle:@SACitiesNetwork
  • Include the following hashtags in the photo caption (the ‘Instagram Entry’):
  • #SACNurbanComp15 (essential for all submissions)
  • PLUS your relevant (municipality specific) hashtag listed below:
  • #SACNurbanCompCOJ (Johannesburg)
  • #SACNurbanCompEKH (Ekurhuleni)

Only entries captured during the competition period will be considered a valid submission

Only original photos captured by the contestant, will be considered a valid submission

Failure to comply with any of the above stipulations, will warrant your entry invalid


Competition prizes:

Each participating Municipality will award the following prize:

Winner: R 5 000 (Five Thousand Rand), Runner Up: R 2 500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Rand) SACN and the related Municipality, will contact winners to arrange prize allocation.
Competition dates:
Competition end: 23:00 on Friday February 20
Winners Announcements: 09:00 on Tuesday March 3. For more information visit

You can read the full story on our App. Download it here.

Lucky Thusi

Lucky Thusi is the News Editor of Comaro Chronicle. He started as a reporter for Southern Courier in 2008. Since then he has grown in leaps and bound in journalism for the past 16 years.

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