Booysens SAPS appreciates the community for their support

SAPS calls for community involvement and commitment in the battle against crime.

ON behalf of the management and the staff of SAPS Booysens, we would like to place on record our appreciation and thanks to the community for their support during 2014.

2015 will come with its new challenges and difficulties but I believe as the Station Commander of Booysens, that the Police will achieve more if the community can work together with us. The solution in the fight against crime lies in the the hands of both the Police as well as the community.

The involvement of the community in the Community Police Forum and the interaction between the community and the police will enable the Police to ensure that the service delivery is not compromised and it will eventually assist the Police not to work harder but to work smarter.

I would like to endorse the commitment in the fight against crime and ensure the community that the Police and the community have one enemy and that is crime. Let us put our gloves on and fight crime… and not each other.

You may be disappointed if you fail but doomed if you don’t try: “Beverly Sills”

In order to achieve a Safe and Secure environment we have “NO” choice but to declare “War on Crime”. The only place where criminals belong is behind bars and this can only be achieved if the community takes on a “Zero tolerance on crime and corruption”.

Finally, I would also like to thank God for his protection of the Management and staff of Booysens SAPS.

May our 2015 be a year of Victory over crime.

Brig Morgan Rangasamy

Booysens SAPS Station Commander

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