Sports bras needed at Frances Vorweg School

Frances Vorweg School is on a mission to empower special needs girl athletes. Join their Sports Bra Drive. WhatsApp 073 238 7739 for details.

Frances Vorweg School is embarking on a fundraising campaign, reaching out to the community for donations of sports bras designed specifically for special needs girl athletes.

The initiative, known as the Sports Bra Drive, aims to address the unique requirements of these athletes and ensure their utmost comfort and support during physical activities.

Recognising the importance of inclusive sports programmes and the role proper attire plays in fostering a positive experience, Frances Vorweg School is calling on the community to contribute to this meaningful cause.

The Sports Bra Drive for girl athletes is about more than just clothing; it’s about empowerment and inclusivity.

Every donation brings them a step closer to creating an environment where every athlete can thrive.

Your contribution to the drive will directly impact the lives of these young athletes, ensuring they have the appropriate gear to participate fully in physical activities.

For more information on how you can contribute to the Sports Bra Drive or support Frances Vorweg School’s fundraising efforts, reach out via WhatsApp at 073 238 7739.

Your generosity can make a significant difference in promoting inclusivity and empowering special needs girl athletes.

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