Vermaak paddles from sunrise to sunset

Competitors paddled from sunrise to sunset to finish the Dusi in one day.

“It was always my goal or dream to complete the Non-Stop Dusi as it is the ultimate test in paddling, running, endurance and fitness,” said Deon Vermaak from Brackenhurst after completing the one-day Dusi.

This year the Dusi took place on April 9, the same race and distance, but done in one day from sunrise to sunset. Definitely a race for the very hardy and tough athletes who enjoy a real challenge.

The Dusi canoe river race from Pietermaritzburg to Durban (120km) is known as the worlds toughest canoe marathon and takes place over three days.

“I realised I needed a partner who had excellent knowledge of the river and contacted the Change a Life Foundation. They introduced me to Siyanda Gwamanda who is one of their team members and finished overall 28th in a three-day Dusi after being seventh and ninth after day one and two. He broke his boat 15km before the end and it cost him his gold medal.

“I was so taken aback by his willingness to assist me in reaching my goal that I decided to raise funds for the Change a Life Foundation to support Siyanda and the rest of the paddlers who are part of the foundation.

“We got into the boat for the first time the day before the race and were both extremely comfortable. We had the most amazing time together and paddled through all the challenging rapids and ran the 25km of portages really well. We had a small mishap at island rapid about 15km from the end, but nothing was going to stop us from finishing the race.

“On the Non-Stop your seconding team is very important. I was lucky enough to have my wife, Tamie, and 2020 Dusi winner Khumulani Nzimandi, also a former Change a Life team member, on my team. They supported us so well, ensuring we stayed hydrated and ate enough along the way.

“It was a privilege to complete the race and I must say thank you to Martin Dreyer, founder of Change a Life, for allowing me this opportunity and also compliment him on the great work he does in the Valley. Both Siyanda and Khumbulani were absolute professionals.

“We finished the race in 11 hours and 49 minutes.”

Deon Vermaak, from Brackenhurst, and Siyanda Gwamanda.
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