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Young cricketers receive bursaries

Successful candidates have been named by Cricket South Africa to further their careers.

FIVE successful candidates have been named by Cricket South Africa in conjunction with Momentum and MAD – Make s Difference to not only enhance their cricketing careers, but also lay a foundation for the 2015 schooling year.

These candidates were identified by CSA to further their careers on the cricket field. With the support of MAD and Momentum, they offer the successful applicants additional support in the form of practical help, life skills training and a structured mentorship and leadership programme component.

The bursary programme is unique in the way that it balances cricket talent together with academic potential, focusing on developing young talent holistically and creating the platform to succeed in both sports and school life.

Five young men from around the country have been selected for the 2015 Momentum 2 Excellence intake. They are from various areas in South Africa. Three scholars will be staying at their existing schools and two have moved to CSA identified cricket schools with strong academic standing. The selection criterion includes a focuses on cricket talent, academic merit and personal attributes. A cricket/academic mentorship programme in place from MAD CHARITY will contribute significantly to their success, especially with adapting to new surroundings or with the load of expectation now placed on them. The bursary programme is available to girls too, and they are encouraged to apply.

“This is the first intake and we are aiming to increase the number to ten next year, which will then increase to the next number of intake the years thereafter. This is significant in that eventually CSA will have a number of young cricketers in their feeding system,” said Danie van den Bergh, Head: Momentum Brand. “We will support these youngsters all the way.”

Two well known sport personalities, Francois Pienaar, former Springbok captain, and former Proteas captain Graeme Smith are both involved in the bursary programme.

Graeme Smith, Patron of the Momentum 2 Excellence Bursary Programme, said, “We are excited to welcome the candidates for 2015 and look forward to improving and enhancing their lives through the Momentum 2 Excellence programme. An opportunity like this has the potential to change lives. Our hope is that, in years to come, the M2E candidates will feature in our top lineup; and if not in our national team, they will certainly still have the chance to exceed in life with a quality education as their kick-off point. We believe that through developing the youth of South Africa, we are ultimately shaping the future leaders of our country.

“Momentum 2 Excellence is an innovative and unique partnership. Momentum, Cricket South Africa and MAD are passionate about education and the great sport of cricket. The M2E programme provides the opportunity for talented youngsters to excel in both areas. I have seen first-hand that sport is often more than just a game. It can transcend cultures and nationalities, unify a nation and teach you crucial life lessons to mould you into an individual that is both a team player and a leader. The cultivation of these youngsters cricket talent coupled with MAD developing these future leaders through the power of a great education, will create a new generation of leaders for South Africa,” said Francois Pienaar, Chairman of MAD CHARITY™.

Application forms for the 2016 intake will be are available from April 2015. Please visit MAD CHARITY’s website for more details and selection criteria and process or email Emmanuel Mahlangu, CSI Manager Momentum at emmanuel.mahlangu@momentum.co.za for the forms.

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