What Covid-19 taught us

Covid-19 exposed the disparities that exist between the rich and the poor.

It is an understatement to say we did not want a pandemic. We could not afford to have one either.

The misery, hardship and devastation it brought with it are beyond imagination. The suffering it instituted will haunt us for years to come.

Yet, what did Covid-19 teach us?

• It exposed the disparities that exist between the rich and the poor.

• It brought to us the importance of manners, patience, respect, social distancing, politeness, hygiene, compassion, care, understanding, tolerance and humility.

• And it made us realise we are all in this mess together no matter your social standing and privileges in life and just emphasised that we have to adhere and revert to the basic principles of life to respect the boundaries of others and take nothing for granted because to live and be alive is not guaranteed.

Councillor Peter Stewart, Ward 125

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