
It makes one wonder…

TURFFONTEIN – The benchmark has been raised for all South Africans, and indeed the world, by the legacy left by Nelson Mandela, probably one of the greatest men to walk on earth in the last few centuries. So what is it that made him great? Was it his unjust imprisonment? Perhaps. Was it his constant …

TURFFONTEIN – The benchmark has been raised for all South Africans, and indeed the world, by the legacy left by Nelson Mandela, probably one of the greatest men to walk on earth in the last few centuries.

So what is it that made him great? Was it his unjust imprisonment? Perhaps. Was it his constant fight for freedom and justice for everyone? Perhaps. Could it be his conquest of an unjust judicial system, introduced by a man who led millions of his people down a road of crass stupidity? Again, perhaps.

It is however my humble opinion that Mandela’s greatest asset and the legacy he left all of us to live by, is integrity and the spirit of forgiveness. Through all the madness of this day and age, the universal qualities of integrity and forgiveness still, and always will, reign supreme.

It makes one wonder…whether those who are currently running this beautiful country, those guilty of massive fraud and corruption – and it does seem to be rife in many offices of power – will somehow, through Madiba’s selfless example, get the message that sloppy service and corruption are not what he stood for. We can only hope and pray that in some small way, they do try to emulate the principles of integrity, forgiveness and accountability Mr. Mandela stood for.

On behalf of all the fantastic and committed people of the Greater Turffontein Community Association, we commit ourselves to strive to live by the legacy left for us by Madiba. We will do so by ridding the south of Johannesburg of the crime, drugs, prostitution, sloppy service delivery and filth with which the area has become associated. He did not let up until he won, neither will we. That will be our modest contribution to honour the greatest statesman of our time, Mr. Nelson Mandela.

Errol Clarke.

Secretary (Interim)

The Greater Turffontein Community Association

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